Massage Treatments
Holistic Massage
The holistic approach aims to restore balance within the body, this full body massage combines therapeutic techniques to ease muscle tension and toxins, with each treatment adapted to the client's unique needs, physical characteristics and personality. This is a very relaxing massage but is not deep tissue.
A traditional full body massage promoting relaxation and easing muscle tenison. If its your first time, or you don't have masssages very often, swedish massage is the perferct massage for you. But if you want deeper work and can tolerate more pressure, even discomfort, to get relief from muscular pain, its better to book deep tissue massage which is another form of swedish massage. Includes: Swedish massage to the back, legs, arms, neck/shoulder massage.
A powerful massage designed to alleviate deep-seated tension and muscular stress through slower intense strokes and more direct pressure and friction. This massage helps to increase muscle flexibility, it also reduces discomfort from everyday stress, repetitive strains and muscular overuse. Includes: Specialised massage to specific areas of concern.

Lymphatic Massage
Lymphatic massage or Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a very gentle, 'light touch' form of massage based on pumping, circular and spiral shaped movements, which encourage the lymph fluid to flow more freely around the body. MLD renews, nourishes, strengthens and regenerates the cells, removes waste products, relaxes the nervous system and increases the immune system.

Intergrated Myofascial Release
This technique is intergrated within all the body work treatments so clients get the most out thier treatment. Myofascial release (MFR) therapy focuses on releasing muscular shortness and tightness this involves applying sustained pressure or stretches into the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. Each treatment is different for everyone, and depends on how tight your fascia is, and how much releasing it needs.
Deep Tissue Massage
Swedish Massage
My Story
Having worked in the sports and leisure industry for 10 years and having always had a keen interest in the benefits of natural therapies, it was witnessing the benefits of massage on a loved one suffering chronic pain, that the progession into becoming a professional massage therapist was realised.
Benefiting from an intuitive touch I am able to sense problem areas within the muscular system that sometimes even clients aren't aware of. Aside from taking a case history from each client to ascertain their needs, I also have an inate ability to listen to what the client's body is telling me during the treatment. Each massage is tailored to suit the individual's needs at that time.
I talk to each client in detail, observe their posture, actions and behaviour and consider this information alongside the findings of my physical examination. Clients often comment on the therapeutic relationship I have with them which goes beyond a purely physical one, it is for this reason that the majority of my clients return for repeated sessions. I am incredibly lucky to be able to do what I love every day.